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All Articles & Concept by:Vijay. K. Tewari

Mar 14, 2013

Diplomatic relations are not based on emotions

   Diplomatic relations are not based on emotions 
                                                                         Some voices are coming  that we should break our relations with Pakistan and withdraw our ambassador from Italy .Reason for these demands are that Italy has not kept its promise , by  not sending back two mariners , who are accused of murder charges .And particularly when Italian ambassador has given affidavit in the Supreme Court that these two accused will be brought back to India after casting their vote . But it was not done . Now some voices are asking that we should  withdraw our representative . Same voices are also asking same action against Pakistan , for the cease fire violation -beheading our soldiers and spreading terrorist activity . But the question is whether these action would result be fruitful ? Or it will be only a futile show of ''vehemence''.? 
                                                          It is unfortunate that those who are making such demands have been in the government . And they are aware  of the limitations of the government .Indian government can declare the Italian  ambassador  "persona -non -grata ""meaning you are not required in our country . But the same can be repeated by Italian Government with Indian ambassador. Then what will be achieved ?    Let us also take the example of Pakistan , if we send back the Pakistan ambassador to Islamabad .Then Indian ambassador will also be send back to New Delhi . Then what will be gained ? 
                                         Let us thrash the issue , we have one option  of taking the matter to the International Court Of Justice , or open the talks with both the countries . Because in Diplomacy negations are the only acceptable way , for getting the solutions.And slogans -statements can vent the emotions but not pave the way for reaching the solution . It is high time that our political leaders should learn the limitations of running the government and remaining in the international community as respectable Nation . 

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