is not the State and to criticize the policy is not
an offense, but a constitutional right
political science “State” is constituted of Four Elements ---
some over zealots are spreading the notion that the Government is the
state, Which is totally incorrect. Let us examine these elements land
and population are physical and system of governance
is the child of the population in a democracy and
the sovereignty
is totally abstract .
again we thrash out the system of governance which is enumerated in
our Constitution . Which clearly stipulates three wings house of
representative which is called parliament is representational to
the masses or population . Though the present day government is the
child of Loksabha –but in effect it controls the proceedings of
the house. So both are mingled. Under the constitution government
speaks for the Country –But in abroad ,not in the homeland .
understand this I will quote the court proceedings, where in many
case Union Of India is made the party and in some others Government
of India, now this is the difference which I wanted to put through .
In criminal cases the State is the prosecutor , but in civil cases
it is replaced by the Government of India .
third constitutional organ is the judiciary -which is the watch dog
of Constitution . To link these three organs we have President Of
Republic .who is also indirectly elected . Now comes the Citizen and
government relations , under the constitution we have a place for
opposition in the house . They are suppose to see through the
governance and expose its follies .
the question arises when there is provision
of dissenting with government policies , then how it become
” as put by the “BHAKTS”
. Probably
these Bhakts
either are
of the constitution and its provisions
or they don’t
want to adhere to it . To my mind the second part is the truth . If
knowledge, then they would
be able to understand the difference between the
State and the
Government .
This is in the
reference to the recently issued circular by The Institute Of
Chartered Accounts ---that No member shall speak or write
criticizing the Demonetization policy . How any organization can
violate the constitutional right of a person ? More so C.A. Are the
financial professionals who can educate their clients about the
effects of this policy .. It seems the Institute has issued this
circular under the pressure of the present government .This makes
things more worse , because one concludes that there is something
very wrong --to which the Mody government wants to hide .