The last month of May is al ways exciting for the young generation , those who wants to become the Engineer, as the results of the competitive Exams. results starts pouring in . I was surprised to see an news item in a national english daily , which was displayed as a filling news item. While that news should have been taken on the first page. Yes ,I am talking about the success storey of a coaching centre, though in my humble way I would name it as a Modern Gurukool, that is Super 30 of Patna. Whose all the thirty students have succeded in IIT JEE examination. And full credit goes to its Founder-cum Director Mr Anand Kumar. A dedicated guru in the golden traditions of Vedic era when the students of the ASHRAM of the Rishi for example like Sandipani ashram of Ujjain where the legendry lord SriKrishna got his education.In the glorious tradition of the vedic time when the Guru not only used to look after his Shisys but also was responsible of his wellbeing, including food an shelter. Which Anand Kumar provides to his students. In sharp contrast of the Kota- Delhi based coaching centres who are initially for the boys and girls of the affulent class, who can shell out more than a lakh or two to these socalled institutions, which are basically Traders of Education and nothing else.Whereas these Education Traders issue full page advertisements of their meagre achivments making tall claims to befool the parents. SUPER 30 has not issued any ad. of his success. I as a Journalist understand the importence of ad. revenue for a news paper, but some where we also represent the peoples voice. Unfourtunately none of the National Dalies which are even printed and published from Bihar have cared to give due space in their colms. While they claim to be the Fourth State (though their is no such mention in the Constituion) they should seldom stick to honest journalism. And tell the people truth(even if it is bitter and harsh) that here is an Istitution in the 21st century when the consumerism is the order of the day. My humble request to Chief Minister Shivraj Singh is that Like his Ladli Yojna( which was amulleted by many of the other states) he should take some steps for the down trodden tribals , poor farmers sons. So that theseShylocks of the education world shold be stopped from forcing the farmers to sell or mortagege his land, the only source of his living, for the study of his son for Engineering. It has become a belief that to succeed in IIT JEE or AICTE coaching is a must. No doubt boys and girls have to be trained for these exams, but at what cost ? Super 30 should be invited to Madhya Pradesh for a better future of the NAUJAWANS . Anand Kumar has neither offered Laptops nor foreign jaunts to his students, even then he has given 100percent result, which the Kota and Delhi based instituton have failed to do , despite large and huge infrastructure(as they claim) THREE cheers FOR SUPER 30 AND ITS founder DIRECTOR anand KUMAR . by the way no big buisness house nor the GOVERNMENT HAS OFFERED ANY ASSISTENCE IN HIS ENDEVOR. EOM