In democracy people choose the government at least for getting the basic amenities , but from last fifteen years it is being observed that the COALITION governments have given the most of these in the hands of INDIAN MNCs, who are least bothered as to who is leading the government . Because they are sure of their PROFIT and in this they are helped by the Buerocracy I mean the IAS and other babus .Whether it is field of education or Irrigation Power generation road building , providing other amenities . All these have been given in the hands of private parties . The result is that the common man who have voted them""government"" feels sorry . Let us take an example of New Delhi --where the billing of the Power is been given in the hands of One Ambani company . Now as we all know that the tarrif of power is fixed by the Vidyut Niyamak Ayog , but despite this provision this billing company is charging unrealistic amount from the users. The company did not change the RATE but manipulated the implementation part so nicely that when complained they said ""OH SORRY WE ARE GETTING THE BILL CHECKED >MEANWHILE YOU PAY THE BILL ''' now what one can do ! And Chief Minister Sheila Dixist saying that if people will not pay the electricity bill then it would amount to CHAOS . . She has not taken the matter with the Billing Company . Can it be said that she is GOVERNING ?
In Chhatisgarah river named Shivnanth's water was given for exclusively to a steel plant owned by an MP. Latter the order was amended ,but the villagers are still have to drink the NON-Potable water of the river . When this matter was brought to the notice of Chief Minister then his explanation was that it is the price of development .
In Madhya Pradesh the road s candle has rocked the government and the administration , when INCOME TAX ENFORCEMENT team searched a very influential and exorbitantly NEO RICH then people started talking that bad the maintenance of road is how bad are they been constructed . We see that certain roads of the state capital is repaired thrice a year because they fall in the VIParea . Once again the government pleaded helplessness an promised to take strict action against the Culprit , but nothing happened.
In the matter of corruption the government adopts two standards we can say DOUBLE standards , one example may suffice my statement AN IAS couple was raided by IT deptt and hundreds of crore rupees were recovered from their bed room , they were found responsible for corruption ,.But their brethren who were conducting the inquiry linger on the investigation that it took almost Two years to SACK them , we read many times that some class four or three employee caught taking bribe and arrested later sent to jail . But no jail for IAS even if he is caught with LOTS AND LOTS of money Why . ? that that
My question is that on the name of Peoples Participation we have witnessed the corruption in road building and house building , on the name of expansion of education or hyigne or for any other reason NGO'S are found squandering crores of rupees , recently web read the news of the public contribution to India Against Corruption to the tune of TWO CRORES , now it is said that the Anna Hazarey has refused to accept the amount . But where it went MR ARVIND KEJRIWAL has to explain to 110 crore indians as he used to ask from many Ministers and Politicians.
What seems to me is that Public Representative have become the tool in the hands of BABU run administration otherwise so much anomalies would not have occured . This is high time that MLA AND MP'S should consider that they will ensure the GOVERNANCE and not bow down tothese babus. Otherwise USSR has melted because of their buearacracy god forbid if the present attitude continues then we may also meet the same fate . .
In Chhatisgarah river named Shivnanth's water was given for exclusively to a steel plant owned by an MP. Latter the order was amended ,but the villagers are still have to drink the NON-Potable water of the river . When this matter was brought to the notice of Chief Minister then his explanation was that it is the price of development .
In Madhya Pradesh the road s candle has rocked the government and the administration , when INCOME TAX ENFORCEMENT team searched a very influential and exorbitantly NEO RICH then people started talking that bad the maintenance of road is how bad are they been constructed . We see that certain roads of the state capital is repaired thrice a year because they fall in the VIParea . Once again the government pleaded helplessness an promised to take strict action against the Culprit , but nothing happened.
In the matter of corruption the government adopts two standards we can say DOUBLE standards , one example may suffice my statement AN IAS couple was raided by IT deptt and hundreds of crore rupees were recovered from their bed room , they were found responsible for corruption ,.But their brethren who were conducting the inquiry linger on the investigation that it took almost Two years to SACK them , we read many times that some class four or three employee caught taking bribe and arrested later sent to jail . But no jail for IAS even if he is caught with LOTS AND LOTS of money Why . ? that that
My question is that on the name of Peoples Participation we have witnessed the corruption in road building and house building , on the name of expansion of education or hyigne or for any other reason NGO'S are found squandering crores of rupees , recently web read the news of the public contribution to India Against Corruption to the tune of TWO CRORES , now it is said that the Anna Hazarey has refused to accept the amount . But where it went MR ARVIND KEJRIWAL has to explain to 110 crore indians as he used to ask from many Ministers and Politicians.
What seems to me is that Public Representative have become the tool in the hands of BABU run administration otherwise so much anomalies would not have occured . This is high time that MLA AND MP'S should consider that they will ensure the GOVERNANCE and not bow down tothese babus. Otherwise USSR has melted because of their buearacracy god forbid if the present attitude continues then we may also meet the same fate . .