comes the month of may and worries of the boys and girls and their parents starts rising. Reason being the result of the class twelfth ,entrance for the IIT-JEE and other professional exams of various institutions .Lakhs and lakhs parents who wants a bright future of their sons and daughters, start inquiring about the coaching centres whose advertisements also starts publishing in a big way some times full full page in the big and small daily newspapers everyday. Parents try to search an institution which suits their pocket and assures (even if these ads. are little truthful whose tall claims, sometimes taller than famous KUTUB MINAR ) BEST RESULTS TO THEIR WARDS.I am surprised that these institutions who spent lakhs and lakahs rupees on placing advertisements to attract(or shal we call to be fool them ) Intermediate exam pass students to join them , so they can earn cores of rupees as fees from them. they are charging more than a lakah rs. from each student, but they do not insure basic facilities to those who come to them for coaching. I was surprised to see in one of the prestigious coaching center(studying hole) no arrangement was their for girls to attend the nature call! Poor girls had no option but suffer to find a suitable place to release the pressure.
But finally as the saying goes that the taste of the cake is in eating,so is the result of these institutions, when their tall claims fall flat. You may have not given any attention to the fact that in realty( like the tv realies shows which are mostly misleading) their success in these exams. is limited between 6 to14 percent only. Where as very few institutes who neither make tall claims from the rooftop have given much better results.The only coaching center of Patna SUPER 30 has given 100 percent result,whose all the 30 students have succeed in IIT JEE exams .Now compare the claims of these advertisement hungry institutes and an unknown center for lerning. I leave the judgment on those parents who run from piller to post to find a suitable place which can taught their wards the Mantra of getting success......