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All Articles & Concept by:Vijay. K. Tewari
Dec 13, 2010
Democracy Election or Selection of our leaders ?
Democracy is the system where the people choose their representatives to rule over them.but this ritual of parliamentary democracy which in words of Abraham Lincoln By the people; for the people; of the people has no meaning in reality to day except the "copy" OR IMAGE of the real meaning of this system of governance.Initially this system was born from a decadent rule of royalty Britain or so to say England. To give a real meaning to the declaration of bill of rights which was latter known as Magnacarta,. for formation of a government they required representation of all colour es and ideas of the population. political parties were formed , election system was introduced.what should be the criteria to choose the peoples representative, was big question. to solve the problem political parties were formed on the pretext of ideologies .which is believed till today , though now it just a myath. communist parties are no more in the classical sense the parties of "Sarvahara" or their is no left or right ideology in the present day politics. this we have seen in 1967 then in 1977 when all the differences of all the political parties were erased to form the government. but this ailment is not restricted to our country only, if we look around beyond our borders we find same situation. This has happened because the game of the politics of modern day is to grab the power apparatus to amass wealth and crush your opponents. the concept of public welfare is the concept of bygone days. we in our country have parliamentary democracy where we have political parties who form the government in states and at central level ,.but these political parties those who cry for democracy ,unfourtunately dont posses the internal democracy or to be specific right to dissent from the opinion of the cabal which runs the entire party system. they are available in all the political parties. Without stretching the issue i come to the my point of view , that is to cleans the modern politics, we have to understand the difference between ELECTION AND SELECTION where in the first the person is real representative of the people, in the other the person is imposed from upper echelons of the party. this difference changes the whole spectrum of our democracy. whereas the party selected person does the "Ganesh parikrma" and he is less bothered about the concept of welfare.until the system of electing the representative is not total independent in choosing his representative till then we should forget about having a healthy democracy.
Dec 11, 2010
Bhartiyam: why the followers of common prophets fight among t...
Bhartiyam: why the followers of common prophets fight among t...: "i am astonished that jew, christianty and islam have common prophets not one but as many as 25 in numbers, right from ADAM TO HAZRAT MUSTAFA..."
Dec 9, 2010
Freedom of expression and Democracy _Wicileaks an d arrest of Juan
Wicileaks has shown the way to the world that what the journalism can do for the society and can expose the vices of those who run the government . Countrys which declares that Its government is by the people _for the people has shown its colours to the world ,but it has blemished the government of United States of America ,second largest democracy of the world according to the Mr Barrac Obama the president of U.S.A. in his inaugural speech, . He assured his countrymen of a transparent government he has also shown that recession is the doing of the rich and powerful persons . When he has granted the bailout package to the banks he insured that the money is to secure the small depositors money , and the bailout amount cannot be used to disburse the incentives,and bonus for its officers. The U.S. Senate also approved his action by a majority vote. But disclose rs of the Wicikilleaks are telling the other storey _that the words of the President carry less weight.Otherwise how these doings of the officers of the C.I.A. can do things like spying on the Ambassadors of the friendly countries, or the double talk on the impotent issues of the foreign matters? In this context the arrest of the founder Juan by the British police on lookout notice of Interpol,certainly raise the pointed fingure towards U.S.A.
Jul 22, 2010
चाँद सितार्रे तय करते हैं संतान का भाग्य एवं भविष्य
क्या जैसी संता न चाहे वैसी ही उत्पति हो सकती है ? शुक्राणु सुरक्छित कर या जेनेटिक विधि द्वारा ऐसा किये जाने की सम्भावना को नकारा नहीं जा सकता ,परन्तु क्या भारतीय औएर्वेदिक रीती रिवाज से २१ व़ी सदी मैं ऐसा संभव हैं ?शायद लोग इसे कोरी गप्प माने पर इंडियन इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ़ टेक्नो लाजी मुंबई के सबसे नौजवान अध्यापक तथागत अवतार तुलसी इसके प्रमाण हैं , २२साल की उम्र और अपनी ही उम्र के लोगो को शिक्षित करना , वह भी भौतिक विज्ञानं मैं कोई मामूली बात नहीं हैं .परन्तु यह सत्य हैं की उनके माता पिता ने अपनी तीसरी संतान के लिए एक ऐसी विधि का प्रयोग क्या जो सर्वथा भारतीय परिवेश मैं ही संभव हैं . यह कहा जा सकता हैं की रोबोट की ही तरह उनका जन्म ही विद्वान होने के लिए हुआ था , ऐसा उनके पिता प्रोफ्फेसर तुलसी नारायण प्रसाद का कहना हैं . वे सर्वोच्च न्यायालय मैं वकालत करते हैं और खगोअल आनुवंसिकी के गंभीर अध्येता हैं उन्होने अपने परिचितों और मित्रो को कई बार अपनी विधि के बारे मैं बताया पर सभी ने कोरी लंतरानी कह कर हवा मैं लटका दिया . पर नक्षत्रो और छंद सितारों के आधार पर संतान के लिंग -गुण-दोष और भविष्य निर्धारित करने की विधि को सिद्ध करने के लिए उन्होने वैदिक परंपरा का सहारा लिया . सनातन धर्मं मैं गर्भाधान के पूर्व से ही माता -पिता को मन चाही संतान के लिए अनेक संस्कार करने का विधान हैं . जिसे वेस्टर्न मूल्यों मैं पले आजकल के लोगो को करना दकियानूसी लगता हैं . बस यही सिद्ध करने के लिए प्रो तुलसी नारायण प्रसाद को तथागत अवतार तुलसी को धरा पर लाना पड़ा .नौ साल की उम्र मैं दर्ज़ा दस पास करना और दस वर्ष की उम्र मैं विज्ञानं का स्नातक हो जाना एअक चमत्कार से कम नहीं था .ऐसा सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के हस्तछेप से ही संभव हुआ .बारह वर्ष के पूर्व वे विज्ञानं मैं स्नाकोतर {मास्टर्स डिग्री } हासिल कर चुके थे . एवं २२ वर्ष मैं देश की प्रतिष्ठित संस्था मैं सहायक प्रोफ़ेसर बन चुके थे
Jun 10, 2010
A tale narrated being late by then responsible officers after their concious arises
What has happened25 years ago, worlds greatest industrial disaster better known as Bhopal gas tragedy was disposed on 7th june2010 by chief judicial magistrate Mr Mohan P. Tiwari , gave no respite to the victims. Rather it has brought more unanswered questions which have to be attended. But one point has came in the lime light is that the conscious of the the some of the officers has suddenly arised, most of them have complained that they were under orders of their superiors to the neither lawful nor correct decision at that time.This remindes me of the Nuremberg Trial , where every Nazi officer deposed that whatever war crime has been done or committed was his duty, being a member of the uniformed force, to carry out the orders. As a journalist who has gone to the plant on the next morning of the tragedy and had conversesation with the main culprit J.Mukund then he was chief works manager(perhaps). I find a similarity in his attitude(then) and the conscious awaken retired officers who are reaviling the Final Truth! Unfourtunately the writer of this blog was working as correspondent of the Navbharat Times (sister concern of the better known Times of India) Whether I have done my duty honestly or failed in doing so , can be a point of disscussion now . I may be charged as a person who had been a failure or not even to-day. But I amaged the the officers who are now comming before public have served the state without their conscious while in service ?Suddenly they listiened the " Aatma ki awawas "after passing quarter century ! The reply may be that when you are in service you are bind by the administrative rules and code and the ethics of the officers.The whole turn of event reminds me the infamous call of the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi who gave a call to party M.Ps and M.L.As to vote on their "atma ki aawaj" during the election of President of the Republic ,in which official Congress candidate was Late Neelam Sanjiv Reddy and Indira ji was supporting MR V.V.Giri then this slogan was used. Party lost the election but Indira ji came as victorious.
May 29, 2010
Coaching centres or Traders of education
comes the month of may and worries of the boys and girls and their parents starts rising. Reason being the result of the class twelfth ,entrance for the IIT-JEE and other professional exams of various institutions .Lakhs and lakhs parents who wants a bright future of their sons and daughters, start inquiring about the coaching centres whose advertisements also starts publishing in a big way some times full full page in the big and small daily newspapers everyday. Parents try to search an institution which suits their pocket and assures (even if these ads. are little truthful whose tall claims, sometimes taller than famous KUTUB MINAR ) BEST RESULTS TO THEIR WARDS.I am surprised that these institutions who spent lakhs and lakahs rupees on placing advertisements to attract(or shal we call to be fool them ) Intermediate exam pass students to join them , so they can earn cores of rupees as fees from them. they are charging more than a lakah rs. from each student, but they do not insure basic facilities to those who come to them for coaching. I was surprised to see in one of the prestigious coaching center(studying hole) no arrangement was their for girls to attend the nature call! Poor girls had no option but suffer to find a suitable place to release the pressure.
But finally as the saying goes that the taste of the cake is in eating,so is the result of these institutions, when their tall claims fall flat. You may have not given any attention to the fact that in realty( like the tv realies shows which are mostly misleading) their success in these exams. is limited between 6 to14 percent only. Where as very few institutes who neither make tall claims from the rooftop have given much better results.The only coaching center of Patna SUPER 30 has given 100 percent result,whose all the 30 students have succeed in IIT JEE exams .Now compare the claims of these advertisement hungry institutes and an unknown center for lerning. I leave the judgment on those parents who run from piller to post to find a suitable place which can taught their wards the Mantra of getting success......
But finally as the saying goes that the taste of the cake is in eating,so is the result of these institutions, when their tall claims fall flat. You may have not given any attention to the fact that in realty( like the tv realies shows which are mostly misleading) their success in these exams. is limited between 6 to14 percent only. Where as very few institutes who neither make tall claims from the rooftop have given much better results.The only coaching center of Patna SUPER 30 has given 100 percent result,whose all the 30 students have succeed in IIT JEE exams .Now compare the claims of these advertisement hungry institutes and an unknown center for lerning. I leave the judgment on those parents who run from piller to post to find a suitable place which can taught their wards the Mantra of getting success......
May 27, 2010
Traders of Education and Modern Gurukool
The last month of May is al ways exciting for the young generation , those who wants to become the Engineer, as the results of the competitive Exams. results starts pouring in . I was surprised to see an news item in a national english daily , which was displayed as a filling news item. While that news should have been taken on the first page. Yes ,I am talking about the success storey of a coaching centre, though in my humble way I would name it as a Modern Gurukool, that is Super 30 of Patna. Whose all the thirty students have succeded in IIT JEE examination. And full credit goes to its Founder-cum Director Mr Anand Kumar. A dedicated guru in the golden traditions of Vedic era when the students of the ASHRAM of the Rishi for example like Sandipani ashram of Ujjain where the legendry lord SriKrishna got his education.In the glorious tradition of the vedic time when the Guru not only used to look after his Shisys but also was responsible of his wellbeing, including food an shelter. Which Anand Kumar provides to his students. In sharp contrast of the Kota- Delhi based coaching centres who are initially for the boys and girls of the affulent class, who can shell out more than a lakh or two to these socalled institutions, which are basically Traders of Education and nothing else.Whereas these Education Traders issue full page advertisements of their meagre achivments making tall claims to befool the parents. SUPER 30 has not issued any ad. of his success. I as a Journalist understand the importence of ad. revenue for a news paper, but some where we also represent the peoples voice. Unfourtunately none of the National Dalies which are even printed and published from Bihar have cared to give due space in their colms. While they claim to be the Fourth State (though their is no such mention in the Constituion) they should seldom stick to honest journalism. And tell the people truth(even if it is bitter and harsh) that here is an Istitution in the 21st century when the consumerism is the order of the day. My humble request to Chief Minister Shivraj Singh is that Like his Ladli Yojna( which was amulleted by many of the other states) he should take some steps for the down trodden tribals , poor farmers sons. So that theseShylocks of the education world shold be stopped from forcing the farmers to sell or mortagege his land, the only source of his living, for the study of his son for Engineering. It has become a belief that to succeed in IIT JEE or AICTE coaching is a must. No doubt boys and girls have to be trained for these exams, but at what cost ? Super 30 should be invited to Madhya Pradesh for a better future of the NAUJAWANS . Anand Kumar has neither offered Laptops nor foreign jaunts to his students, even then he has given 100percent result, which the Kota and Delhi based instituton have failed to do , despite large and huge infrastructure(as they claim) THREE cheers FOR SUPER 30 AND ITS founder DIRECTOR anand KUMAR . by the way no big buisness house nor the GOVERNMENT HAS OFFERED ANY ASSISTENCE IN HIS ENDEVOR. EOM
Jan 20, 2010
why the followers of common prophets fight among themselves ?
i am astonished that jew, christianty and islam have common prophets not one but as many as 25 in numbers, right from ADAM TO HAZRAT MUSTAFA. even then they still have enemical attitude towards each other even in 21st century.even as per the islamic jurisprudence inter-religion marriage is permissable, that means in other words 'ROTI - BETI ' RELATION IS ALLOWED then why the conflict ? all the terror eminates from the hatered towords eachother on religious ground. Does the conflict relates only to the Jerusalam being under the the control of Isreal or their is something more ? perhaps the military strength of the christian countries terrifies the islamic nations or their advancement is point of jelousy for the muslim population ? these questions have to be aanswered truthfully and not diplomatically, as is being done. perhaps the poverty of muslim countries is basic reason of whole dilema , it is like having a hut adjecent to palace. which becomes the reasonof heart burning . in that case the violent movements too have the same reason ffortaking the gun in the hand. whether it is maoist movement in nepal or india, likewise IRA . But one fails to understand that RED army or similar other terror groups or fighting for which cause. I invite the viewers their opinions on this issue.
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