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All Articles & Concept by:Vijay. K. Tewari

Dec 13, 2010

Democracy Election or Selection of our leaders ?

Democracy is the system where the people choose their representatives to rule over them.but this ritual of parliamentary democracy which in words of Abraham Lincoln By the people; for the people; of the people has no meaning in reality to day except the "copy" OR IMAGE of the real meaning of this system of governance.Initially this system was born from a decadent rule of royalty Britain or so to say England. To give a real meaning to the declaration of bill of rights which was latter known as Magnacarta,. for formation of a government they required representation of all colour es and ideas of the population. political parties were formed , election system was introduced.what should be the criteria to choose the peoples representative, was big question. to solve the problem political parties were formed on the pretext of ideologies .which is believed till today , though now it just a myath. communist parties are no more in the classical sense the parties of "Sarvahara" or their is no left or right ideology in the present day politics. this we have seen in 1967 then in 1977 when all the differences of all the political parties were erased to form the government. but this ailment is not restricted to our country only, if we look around beyond our borders we find same situation. This has happened because the game of the politics of modern day is to grab the power apparatus to amass wealth and crush your opponents. the concept of public welfare is the concept of bygone days. we in our country have parliamentary democracy where we have political parties who form the government in states and at central level ,.but these political parties those who cry for democracy ,unfourtunately dont posses the internal democracy or to be specific right to dissent from the opinion of the cabal which runs the entire party system. they are available in all the political parties. Without stretching the issue i come to the my point of view , that is to cleans the modern politics, we have to understand the difference between ELECTION AND SELECTION where in the first the person is real representative of the people, in the other the person is imposed from upper echelons of the party. this difference changes the whole spectrum of our democracy. whereas the party selected person does the "Ganesh parikrma" and he is less bothered about the concept of welfare.until the system of electing the representative is not total independent in choosing his representative till then we should forget about having a healthy democracy.

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