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All Articles & Concept by:Vijay. K. Tewari

Dec 9, 2010

Freedom of expression and Democracy _Wicileaks an d arrest of Juan

Wicileaks has shown the way to the world that what the journalism can do for the society and can expose the vices of those who run the government . Countrys which declares that Its government is by the people _for the people has shown its colours to the world ,but it has blemished the government of United States of America ,second largest democracy of the world according to the Mr Barrac Obama the president of U.S.A. in his inaugural speech, . He assured his countrymen of a transparent government he has also shown that recession is the doing of the rich and powerful persons . When he has granted the bailout package to the banks he insured that the money is to secure the small depositors money , and the bailout amount cannot be used to disburse the incentives,and bonus for its officers. The U.S. Senate also approved his action by a majority vote. But disclose rs of the Wicikilleaks are telling the other storey _that the words of the President carry less weight.Otherwise how these doings of the officers of the C.I.A. can do things like spying on the Ambassadors of the friendly countries, or the double talk on the impotent issues of the foreign matters? In this context the arrest of the founder Juan by the British police on lookout notice of Interpol,certainly raise the pointed fingure towards U.S.A.

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