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All Articles & Concept by:Vijay. K. Tewari

Aug 6, 2012

QUO__VADIS of team Anna movement


                On 29th of July on this Blog  I have  written that  Anna movement has gone disarray , because it has lost the basic decency in a democratic set-up. By insulting the Newly elected President  of the Republic Mr Pranav Mukerjji they have gone down in the esteem of people who have  some respect for their movement . It was like the "QUO VADIS" meaning which way..... .In the same article  I have mentioned an event of the similar type , in which socialist leader Raj Narain  has protested against the then congress govt. led by Chief Minister Mr Kamlapati Tripathi . That protest rally failed because government did not use any coercive method like arrest - lathi charge etc. . Due to absence of  police action  protest lost its very purpose to attract the attention of the people and press.

                                                                      Similarly Anna was forced to abandon  his movement and Fast unto death  , because administration did  nothing to stop them from what they were doing. Also Government of India declared that it would not have diolouge  with the leaders of the  agitation . And Media which gave the hype to Anna"s movement  have adopted  neutral posture , which has irritated the leaders of the movement. And on being  attacked by the supporters of the Anna media also got upset, which reflected in their coverage of the event . This created  a situation where Jantar-Mantar gave  a deserted look in news papers and on Chanels . The organizers realized that  without resistance  people wont be attracted to their cause .

                 Hence  the Legal  mind of the movement Mr Shanti Bhusan and his son Prasant Bhusan  advised the fellow leaders that for a respectful exit  it would be better if the agitation is withdrawn or called off. The collective wisdom  came out with a ""Brilliant" idea of forming a political party . Throughout the agitation members  of team Anna were lambasting the political parties and their leaders from the dias , and from same dias they announced the formation of a political party ------should we term it a solution or suicide ? 

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